Meeting May 2017

Well where to start? The Social Meeting held on the 20th May 2017 was represented with attendance of approximately 18 members as well some of our supporters. It was good to see the positive outlook from the group with what we have achieved to date.
The night saw Ride4Life present a Cheque to Lifeline which totalled $5090.51. This is a fantastic outcome given that the ride and venues were all organised in the space of three months from the establishment of Ride4Life.
During the night we saw some items tabled in relation to where to in the future. Details will be placed on this website and Facebook so keep your eyes peeled. We will also send out newsletters so if you aren't subscribed it's not a bad time to remember to add your name to the list. Just fill in the box on the right hand side of this page.
On the agenda was an item to discuss a Mascot for Ride4Life. One suggestion was a Monkey of Sorts which was to "get the monkey off your back". We will place a poll on the Ride4Lifes members page. This was previously called LifeRiders and is a secret group for members only. There was a motion to change the name to Ride4Life Members. This was carried and the name has already been changed on the page as members would of noticed.
One of the most exciting announcements of the evening is that we have had approval as a Registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Not For Profits Commission. This is great news as it demonstrates to the community at large that we are a bona fide charity raising awareness of mental health issues and suicide prevention. The logo will go on our website in a prominent position shortly so people who visit the site notice our status.
Please feel free to place pictures on your page as has been done from last night meeting held at the Bush Pig Inn. It's nice to keep an historical record of our activities.
The meeting was closed and the Members then enjoyed a fantastic meal put on by the Bush Pig Inn and some social time around the fire pit. A number of members stayed overnight and many met up to enjoy a breakfast in the morning in Bendigo CBD.
In keeping with our strong values of maintaining complete transparency, the draft minutes (for approval at next meeting) and financial reports for the period are attached to this post.
Polls with regard to the adoption of a mascot and the 2017 long distance ride are now on the Members Facebook page for voting. Remember, you can only vote if you're a member, so why not join up so you have access.
Again I would like to thank you all for your support and assistance in helping drive the Ride4Life group on to big and better things.
Shane Taylor