Inaugural Meeting of Ride4Life
The inaugural meeting of Ride4Life Inc was held on the 7th January at the Overlander Hotel in Shepparton.
Great to see so many people coming from all over Victoria and beyond for a catchup and great social event apart from the inaugural meeting.
The weather was quite warm for riding with temperatures hitting around 38 degrees. Yes, some people did come in cars, but we won't mention any names.
The meeting was split into two parts. We held an election of office bearers for the committee which was ably chaired by the support driver from the recent Milk Run, Lance Ward. Lance has been in Lions since Adam played full back for Jerusalem and is well versed in meeting procedure and handling elections.
The results of the election were Shane Taylor as President, Ric Raftis as Vice President, James Cardwell as Secretary and Alwyn Roberts taking on the position of Media and Public relations for the time being. We were unable to fill the Treasurer's position at this time so Ric will look after it until we can find a capable person. If there is anyone out there who would like to help us with the managing the accounting procedures on either Quickbooks or MYOB then we would love to hear from you.
Membership fees were set at $25. These fees will fund the administration of the organisation. It was great to see that we now have 30 odd members signed up and keen to ride and work for the mental health and suicide prevention cause.
A General Meeting followed the meeting to elect office bearers and determine fees. Several issues were discussed including the registration fees for the Bendigo ride on 19th March, code of conduct, membership requirements and sponsorship. Minutes will soon be available and will be accessible on the website to financial members.
Speaking of financial members, see the separate blog post about Membership and how this will be handled.
A great social night followed and some great conversations followed by brekky the next morning down at the Lake. From there we all said our temporary good byes and rode off home.
Many thanks to all those who attended. We look forward to everyone working together as a team to achieve our aims.