Charity One Day Ride 2019
Our Charity One Day Ride will be held on 5th May 2019 this year.
In the past, our ride has been on the third Sunday in March to coincide with the Central Victorian Suicide Prevention Awareness Network walk. They have decided to shift the date as it had been quite hot for the last few years. This had impacted on walkers and the event with people standing in the hot sun while speakers put their message across. The move to early May should see much better weather for the event.
At this stage we are planning on running rides in Bendigo, Melbourne and Shepparton again. There are a couple of others still in the wind and we hope they might come to fruitiion prior to the date. The charity is still being worked out, but rest assured all money raised will go to a front line purpose and not to anyone's administration.
Ride4Life is fully staffed by volunteers and 100% of all monies raised, (nett of direct costs), go to the selected charity on the day. Share the video on your Facebook page and Twitter feeds. This will be a great help in getting the word out.